Saturday, February 8, 2014

Baby Baptisms

Many non catholic, and especially non-religious, people will tell you that it is not appropriate to baptize a baby. They will say things like, "It should be his or her decision," "It's not right to force it upon them," "They need to be old enough to have learned what they are agreeing to." To all of this I say, pish posh. Get outta here!

First of all, to those non-religious people, if in your opinion, there is no God, how am I hurting my infant by sprinkling some water on their foreheads and having a preist say a blessing? What possible harm am I doing? What lasting side effects are there in the eyes of someone who doesn't believe? Exactly. If I get my child baptized a baby, and they decide as adults that they don't want to be apart of my faith, I'm pretty sure they aren't chained the to Church or locked into a forced arranged marriage. Just sayin'.

Has anyone else noticed that the very people who point fingers at the church callng them hypocrits and waving their finger at how very wrong we and our church are, how "close minded" we are, happen to be the most hypocritical and closed minded people, like....ever? Obviously, I believe that infant baptisms are not only acceptable but also important and a beautiful sacrament that my faith and my church do, but let's just say for arguments sake, I didn't. If I believed there was no God and that baptism was nothing more than the sprinkling of water and mummbled words. If that were true, and I genuinly believed it, then its nothing and non-binding and serves zero purpose.

These people though, these people who believe that it's nothing, are sitting here saying that it's wrong to take the choice away from a person. But wait a minute, baptism is a covenant  with God. Its the washing away of original sin, of the sins of the parents. It isn't the same as say, confirmation, which IS making a commitment to the the church. So which is it? Is God real and baptism real and the meaning and purpose real? Or, is it nothing but sprinkled water and mumbled words in which case it holds no real meaning and an infant won't even remember it? So how than would I have removed any form of choice away from my child save the same I would take in giving him or her a bath? You have to pick one. There's no middle ground.

To those Christians who believe that a child must become an age of understanding first, that to me makes no sense. If you really believe than you KNOW that God is real and that the truth is in Him and through Jesus, why would you want your kid to believe any different? Why would you leave anything open for them to doubt? Why would you not aise them as God is FACT not CHOICE? Food for thought.

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.


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